Wednesday, June 19, 2013

more Trivia

American federal highways running east west are even numbered running from 10 to 90 and the highways running north south are odd numbered running from 5 to 95.
Canada is the largest producer of newsprint in the world and their main resources are water and timber.
The whole population of Canada is 35million whilst the state of California has 36million.
The railroad built in the 1800's across Canada is 7777km long and links east to west.
Inventions in Canada include insulin, ice hockey (their national sport), plastic shopping bags, trivial pursuit and the Imax theatre.
When they write the cost of goods the price does not include the taxes that are then added so a muffin and coffee advertised for 3.50 actually costs over 4 dollars.   Also their prices are written with the dollar sign at the end 4.50$

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